Thursday, December 10, 2009


Pembangunan yang dilaksanakan di setiap Daerah tidak lain
dimaksudkan untuk mewujudkan perubahan yang direncanakan
melalui upaya sistematis dan berkelanjutan menuju peningkatan
kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan masyarakat baik lahir maupun
batin. Begitu pula pelaksanaan pembangunan di Pemerintah
Kabupaten Purbalingga adalah dalam rangka mewujudkan visi dan
Pelaksanakan pembangunan yang dilaksanakan Pemerintah
Kabupaten Purbalingga selama ini selain menghasilkan kemajuankemajuan
namun juga tidak terlepas dari permasalahanpermasalahan.
Kompleksitas permasalahan pembangunan serta
adanya pergeseran standar atau ukuran mengenai kualitas hidup
dan kesejahteraan yang ingin diwujudkan atau diharapkan
masyarakat menyebabkan upaya peningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas
pembangunan menjadi suatu proses yang tidak pernah selesai.
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut untuk dapat mewujudkan tujuan
pembangunan Kabupaten Purbalingga sesuai dengan misinya yaitu

Purbalingga yang maju, mandiri, berdaya saing, sejahtera, dan
berakhlak mulia, maka berbagai permasalahan yang ada senantiasa
untuk dapat diatasi bersama melalui berbagai upaya pembangunan
secara bersinergi dan berkelanjutan.
Dalam implementasi otonomi daerah, pembangunan
infrastruktur menuntut perhatian yang serius, terutama karena
beberapa alasan. Antara lain : Pertama, fungsinya yang sentral
bagi semua stakeholders. Kedua, merupakan sarana dan prasarana
yang mutlak bagi aktivitas pembangunan pada bidang-bidang yang
lain. Ketiga, membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Keempat,
pengembangan daerah yang mengacu konsep pembangunan yang
moderen, berwawasan lingkungan, berkelanjutan, manusiawi,
efektif dan efisien, adalah sangat memerlukan kesiapan baik
konsep, visi, manajemen, komitmen dan kemauan yang keras dari
para steakholder dan pengambil kebijakan.
Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Purbalingga sebagai salah
satu satuan kerja perangkat daerah pada Pemerintahan Kabupaten
Purbalingga akan terus ambil bagian dalam pelaksanaan
pembangunan guna mendorong terwujudnya visi dan misi Kabupaten

Purbalingga, yang penyelenggaraannya dikelola berdasarkan skala
priotitas sesuai dengan tingkat urgensi dan pengaruhnya terhadap
pencapaian sasaran dan tujuan pembangunan daerah serta dana
yang tersedia.

Friday, December 4, 2009

DPU Stop Proyek yang Tak Sesuai Standar

PURBALINGGA (KR) - Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten (DPUK) Purbalingga mengeluhkan banyaknya rekanan pelaksana proyek-proyek DPU yang mengabaikan kualitas pekerjaan. Karenanya, DPU bertindak tegas dengan menghentikan pekerjaan proyek sampai rekanan memenuhi standar yang sudah direncanakan. “Keterlambatan proyek-proyek di PU lebih disebabkan karena rekanan yang telat. Sehingga pihaknya memberlakukan sanksi tegas dengan menerapkan denda lima persen dari nilai proyek,” Kepala DPU Kabupaten Purbalingga Susilo Utomo menuturkan kepada KR di ruang kerjanya, Sabtu (13/1).

Alasan keterlambatan proyek bagi kontraktor karena dalam pengadaan bahan bangunan, mereka juga tergantung stok dari pihak lain. Seperti besi cor dan aspal yang semuanya tergantung dari produsen.

Diungkapkan Susilo, DPU lebih mengutamakan kualitas pekerjaan ketimbang proyek tersebut selesai sesuai tanggal yang direncanakan tetapi kualitasnya tidak sesuai dengan planing dalam pemakaian material maupun komposisinya.

Disinggung banyaknya kegiatan yang diserahkan langsung ke tingkat desa, Susilo mengaku tidak masalah karena tujuan utama dari pemkab untuk memberdayakan masyarakat desa. Namun untuk pekerjaan yang kelasnya besar dan berat tetap ditangani PU. Karena di tingkat desa belum mampu menangani masalah perencanaan dan konstruksi seperti jembatan dan lainnya.

Meski demikian pihaknya membuka kesempatan bagi desa yang mengalami kesulitan teknis untuk berkonsultasi dengan DPU. Karena pada dinasnya telah memiliki personil yang bertugas selaku konsultan perencanaan maupun konsultan pendamping.

Pada kesempatan yang sama Susilo menuturkan, sedikitnya tiga pintu air saluran irigasi Banjar Cahyana hilang dicuri. Akibat hilangnya pintu air yang terbuat dari baja tersebut, pasokan air di wilayah yang selama ini dialiri air dari sungai Serayu, seperti areal pertanian di Bukateja, Kejobong dan Kemangkon akan terganggu. “Harga satu unit pintu air hanya Rp 1 juta. namun hal yang lebih penting adalah terganggunya sistem buka-tutup air di wilayah tersebut, ujar Susilo.

Di samping hilangnya 3 buah pintu air, pada saluran Banjar Cahyana juga terdapat kerusakan-kerusakan akibat tanggul dijebol untuk keperluan kolam ikan. Kerusakan dalam saluran irigasi juga menimpa saluran irigasi di desa Pegandekan kecamatan Kemangkon. Khusus untuk irigasi Pegandekan dibutuhkan dana Rp 2 miliar, dan dana tersebut sedang diusulkan ke pemerintah pusat. (Rus)(

Dharma Wanita DPU Purbalingga Sabet Juara I Lomba Cipta Menu

Purbalingga (Derap Perwira). Tim Penggerak PKK Kabupaten Purbalingga bekerjasama dengan Bagian Perekonomian Setda Purbalingga Selasa (5/8) mengadakan lomba cipta menu pangan lokal beragam, bergizi, seimbang dan aman berbasis sumber daya wilayah di Pendopo Dipokusumo yang diikuti 28 peserta.

Drs. Agus Winarno selaku Ketua panitia mengatakan tujuan diadakannya lomba tersebut, untuk menggali potensi kepiawaian para ibu rumah tangga guna memanfaatkan bahan yang ada disekitar untuk menjadi bahan makanan yang tidak kalah dengan bahan yang sudah biasa disajikan setiap harinya. Oleh karena itu diupayakan ada inovasi dalam mengolah dan menyajikan makanan yang berbahan lokal. Selain itu juga, dari segi keamanan juga menjadi prioritas utama, sehingga orang yang akan makan tidak timbul rasa was-was.

Dikatakan Agus, selain perwakilan dari 18 Tim Penggerak PKK tingkat Kecamatan juga diikuti oleh 10 peserta dari Organisasi Wanita lainnya."Kita juga melibatkan juri profesional yang sudah terbiasa menanggani hal tersebut, sehingga tidak ada unsur KKN" kata Agus

Titin Sulistiwati salah satu juri kepada Derap Perwira menuturkan jika lomba cipta menu yang berbasis bahan lokal memang perlu ditingkatkan lantaran saat ini kecenderungan masyarakat kita kurang begitu memahami bahwa disekitar kita juga banyak tersedia bahan pangan." Hanya saja perlu ada sentuhan sehingga makanan yang kita olah masih ada nilai gizinya," tutur Titin

"Sebagai juara satu direbut dari persatuan Dharma Wanita DPU Purbalingga dengan secor 80,50 yang menyisihkan 17 peserta lainnya, pihaknya juga merasa binggung ketika menentukan juara, karena peserta sudah cukup bagus, dalam mengolah dan menyajikan makanan" imbuhnya

Drs Subeno MM dalam sambutannya menyampaikan terima kasih kepada penyelenggara yang sudah berinisiatif mengadakan lomba cipta menu,selain menggali potensi yang ada juga hal tersebut memupuk rasa cinta akan produk lokal. (ries)(

Sejumlah Proyek Belum Sesuai Target

PURBALINGGA – Sejumlah pekerjaan proyek yang dibiayai dari APBD murni dan APBD Perubahan 2009 belum sesuai target yang diharapkan. Proyek-proyek tersebut seperti pembangunan Purbalingga city Park, jembatan Kali Kijing, Auwning pasar Segamas, pembangunan talud pengaman SD Negeri Jingkang Karangjambu, dan sejumlah kegiatan DAK di Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan.
Hal tersebut diungkapkan Kepala Bagian Pembangunan Setda Drs Suroto, M.Si dalam rapat Koordinasi Pengendalian Operasional kegiatan/Rakor POK ke-III Semester II tahun anggaran 2009 di ruang Ardi Lawet Setda, Senin (9/11).
Dikatakan Suroto, selain sejumlah proyek kegiatan yang belum sesuai target, juga ada pekerjaan yang terpaksa harus ditunda. Pekerjaan tersebut yakni pembangunan tugu bancar tahap I. Penundaan ini akibat gagal lelang sehingga tidak cukup waktu untuk melaksanakan apabila dilelang ulang pada tahap II.
“Sejumlah pekerjaan lain juga harus dikebut karena hanya memiliki masa pelaksanaan selama 75 hari atau bahkan 45 hari kalender. Pekerjaan dimaksud meliputi pembangunan SD Negeri Purbalingga Kidul, gedung museum artefak dan wayang Kutasari,” kata Suroto.
Dibagian lain Suroto merinci, pada tahun anggaran 2009, dari total APBD murni dan APBD Perubahan sebesar Rp 796 milyar, diantaranya dipergunakan untuk belanja fisik ke-PU-an sebesar Rp 168,6 milyar. Dana sebesar ini untuk membiayai 228 kegiatan yang tersebar pada 12 Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD). Sedang dana dekonsentrasi tugas pembantuan sebesar Rp 67,8 milyar dipergunakan untuk membiayai 37 kegiatan yang tersebar pada 8 SKPD.
“Secara umum prestasi capaian pekerjaan ke-PU-an menunjukan perkembangan yang menggembirakan sesuai penjadwalan dan target yang ditetapkan. Namun, sejumlah pekerjaan masih perlu dipacu untuk menghindari keterlambatan pelaksanaan pekerjaan,” kata Suroto.
Sementara itu Sekda Drs H Subeno meminta, pekerjaan yang dibiayai dari APBD 2009 harus selesau secara paripurna, tidak ada yang terlambat, apalagi tidak selesai baik menyangkut capaian fisik maupun penatausahaan kegiatan. “Pelaksanaan pekerjaan tetap harus mengedepankan aspek-aspek efisiensi, efektifitas, tepat waktu, tepat mutu, tepat sasaran, tepat volume serta didukung dengan tertib administrasi sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku,” pinta Subeno. (y)(

Menggarap Proyek Jangan ‘Kemrungsung’

Purbalingga - Para pimpinan Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) di lingkungan Pemkab Purbalingga, diminta mengupayakan ketepatan waktu dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembangunan yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya. Jangan mengulur-ulur waktu sampai mendekati akhir tahun, yang akhirnya mengerjakannya terburu-buru atau ‘kemrungsung’.

Harapan itu disampaikan Sekda Purbalingga Drs Subeno MM, saat memimpin rapat koordinasi pengendalian operasional kegiatan (Rakor POK) khusus ke-PU-an Kabupaten Purbalingga tahun anggaran 2009, di ruang Ardi Lawet, Kamis (6/8). Rakor POK yang difokuskan pada kegiatan bersifat fisik ke-PU-an itu diawali laporan Kabag Pembangunan Setda Purbalilngga, Drs Suroto MSi.

“Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembangunan, jangan kalau waktunya sudah mepet. Nanti ada lebaran, ada hari jadi Kabupaten Purbalingga, dan sebagainya. Akan menjadi lain lagi permasalahannya. Artinya banyak kegiatan lain. Kalau sudah mepet-mepet akhir tahun, akhirnya ‘kemrungsung’, kesusu,” katanya menghimbau.

Kalau dalam melaksanakannya ‘kemrungsung’, menurut Subeno, bisa berpengaruh pada mutu pekerjaan, bisa berpengaruh pada volume, bisa berpengaruh pada adminitrasi yang belum lengkap, dan sebagainya. Yang ujung-ujungnya nanti bisa berpengaruh pada manfaat, dan kepercayaan. Karena itu harus diupayakan melaksanakan pekerjaan bisa selesai tepat waktu, dan sebagainya.

“Ora wurung, kalau ada permasalahan, yang dinilai tidak becus ya kita jajaran pelaksana. Ya termasuk tentunya saya, sebagai pengendali pembangunan di Kabupaten Purbalingga. Tapi saya berterima kasih atas semua informasi yang telah disampaikan pimpinan SKPD. Secara umum menggembirakan, dan harapannya jangan sampai terlambat,” katanya berharap.

Kabag Pembangunan Setda Purbalingga Suroto, mengatakan APBD Kabupaten Purbalingga 2009 untuk kegiatan ke-PU-an sebanyak 270 kegiatan senilai Rp 103,1 miliar. Sedangkan kegiatan ke-PU-an yang mendahului APBD Perubahan 2009 sebanyak 22 kegiatan senilai Rp 10,9 miliar. Sehingga total kegiatan ke-PU-an sebanyak 292, dengan anggaran Rp 114 miliar lebih.

“Khusus Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (DPU) Kabupaten Purbalingga, APBD murni untuk 114 kegiatan, senilai Rp 76,3 miliar. Ditambah yang menggunakan anggaran mendahului APBD Perubahan 2009 sebesar Rp 87 miliar, untuk 135 kegiatan,” kata Suroto.

Menurut dia, berdasarkan laporan yang masuk ke bagian Pembangunan, sampai akhir Juni 2009 rata-rata realisasi fisik baru mencapai 22,49 persen, dari target yang ditetapkan 30,80 persen. Sedangkan realisasi keuangannya sudah mencapai 28,05 persen, dari target sebesar 28,05 persen.

“Yang non fisik, relatif tidak ada kendala. Seperti ATK, gaji pegawai, dan sebagainya. Justru yang fisik-fisik ini, yang harus kita kendalikan, supaya on time. Yang kita harapkan, ketika mau lebaran, fasilitas umum di perkotaan sudah menampakkan capaian yang signifikan. Sehingga masyarakat perantau yang pulang kampung, melihat Purbalingga sudah ada bedanya lagi,” katanya. (rd)(

Gelora Goentor Darjono Mampu Tampung 10 Ribu Penonton

Purbalingga – Bupati Purbalingga Drs H Triyono Budi Sasongko, M.Si, Rabu (25/11) meresmikan penggunaan Gelanggan olah raga (Gelora) Goentoer Darjono. Gelora tersebut mampu menampung penonton hingga 10 ribu orang.

Peresmian ditandai dengan pembacaan Keputusan Bupati nomor 64 Tahun 2009 tentang Gelanggang Olah Raga Goentoer Darjono. Kemudian penandatangan prasasti, pembukaan selubung, dan pelepasan balon ke udara. Peresmian tersebut dimeriahkan dengan lomba lari antar pelajar se-eks Karesidenan Banyumas, pemecahan rekor MURI paduan suara terbanyak, dan apel besar pengurus Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia.

Bupati mengemukakan, pemberian nama Gelora Goentur Darjono dimaksudkan utuk mengenang kepemimpinan Bupati Purbalingga ke-17 yang memimpin Purbalingga antara tahun 1973 – 1979. Goentoer Darjono yang berasal dari TNI Angkatan Udara mampu meletakan sendi-sendi pembangunan ketika anggaran masih terbatas. Goentoer Darjono mampu membuka akses jalan hampir di seluruh wilayah Kecamatan di Purbalingga, kemudian membangun Monumen Tempat Lahir Jenderal Soedirman, membuka obyek wisata Goa Lawa , dan sejumlah prestasi lainnya.

Pada peresmian tersebut, kerabat keluarga besar Goentur Darjono ikut diundang untuk hadir menyaksikan peresmian. Dalam kesempatan tersebut keluarga Goentur Darjono juga memberikan prasarana pendukung berupa bola dan alat olah raga lainnya untuk mendukung olah raga di Purbalingga.

Sementara itu Kabag Pembangunan Setda Drs Suroto, M.Si mengatakan, Gelora Goentoer Darjono memiliki luas sekitar 81.426 meter persegi. Pembanguna gelora yang berlokasi di kelurahan Purbalingga Kidul menelan biaya Rp 12,5 milyar. Sarana pendukung antara lain lintasan atletik, lapangan sepak bola, tribun utama, tribun terbuka (area penonton), lampu penerangan dengan daya listrik 5.500 VA, bangunan tiketing, dan sejumlah fasilitas lainnya. (humas/y)(

Monday, August 24, 2009

National Suramadu Bridge Surabaya Relations and the Madura Island

National Suramadu Bridge Surabaya Relations and the Madura Island

Surabaya – National Suramadu Bridge that was declared by Republic of Indonesia President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono last June 10 2009 had long 5.4 Kilometer. Suramadu Bridge connected between Surabaya and Madura was located in the East Java territory. The National Suramadu bridge territory will also be proposed to the special economic region, on Tuesday 21 July 2009.

National Suramadu Bridge was also built with supplies 300.000 ton special cement that was given by the Special Blended Cement name. Several big projects that had used the special cement product from Gresik Cement, including the Monas Pillar, Semanggi Bridge, Waduk Jatiluhur, Gelora Bung Karno, renovation of the Borubudur Temple, and Bridge of Tukad Batung Bali. This cement had, the characteristics kept against the sulphate and hot his hydration that was low, whereas his surplus was the concrete that was formed increasingly for a long time was increasingly strong and waterproof.

In the meantime, as a result of National Suramadu Bridge operated, around 8000 people lost the work, or were the unemployment; they were the worker in the Perak Cape port and the Kamal Tip.

National Suramadu Bridge was permitted for all the vehicle kind. However, to pass bridge along 5.4 kilometer this, the burden that was carried by the vehicle might not exceed 10 ton. The side of the bridge manager has installed the implement to measure heavy each vehicle. The implement of the burden gauge or weight in motion this was installed beside Madura and the Surabaya side. The implement took the form of the cable that in the pair in this road automatically will measure the burden of the vehicle when entering bridge. This implement had a function of controlling the security of bridge. This was carried out so that bridge not over the capacity.

There was the new news from water Police, Hundreds of irons from bridge suramadu was stolen was a part of bentang middle. Okky F Suryatama / Demotix

Friday, August 21, 2009

Program Fasilitasi and House Restoration To Impecunious Family.

- Operational PSPR GAKIN

Development Program, Make-Up of and Conservancy Prasarana, Medium of Social Services and Economic and also Elementary Prasarana.

- Industrial Factory Development of Pre -Eminent Compost
- Rehabilitate the Market of Kejobong and Market Cadge the countryside Kejobong
- Market Repair Cadge The Countryside Kejobong
- Development of Market of Countryside of Kalikajar of Supporter Agropolitan
- Development of KIKU Mipiran of District Padamara
- Repair of Market of Town Purbalingga
- Development of Garden of Reptil Karangbanjar
- Renovate The Pool Fish The Karangbanjar
- Rehabilitate The Market Beji
- Rehabilitate The Animal Market of Effect Of Fire/Burning
- Compilation of DED of Stadium and GOR of Town Purbalingga
- Renovate The Market Compare The Supporter Agropolitan
- Development of Market of Animal Purbalingga
- Levying of Consultant of Management of Construction of Development of Town Market
- Development of Terminal of Bus Purbalingga;

Ready Program and Make-Up of Fisilitas Setlement and also Environmental settlement of Setlement.

- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Kejobong Kec. Kejobong
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Bojongsari Kec. Bojongsari
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Tejasari Kec. Kaligondang
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Sinduraja Kec. Kaligondang
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Karangcengis Kec. Bukateja
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Slinga Kec. Kaligondang
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Bojongsari Kec. Bojongsari
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Sokanegara Kec. Kejobong
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Karangjengkol Kec. Kutasari
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Dagan Kec. Bobotsari
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Langkap Kec. Kertanegara
- SIPAS of Sandalwood Countryside - Candiwulan – Pan The – Karangreja
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Nangkasawit Kec. Kejobong
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Countryside Wellspring Deliberate The Kec. Kejobong
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Pangempon Kec. Kejobong
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Rajawana Kec. Karangmoncol
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Scene Kec. Scene
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Kertanegara Kec. Kertanegara
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Pepedan Kec. Karangmoncol
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside Panusupan
- Clean Water Levying of SIPAS of Wellspring of Countryside of Gunungkarang Kec. Bobotsari
- Development of Well of Diffusion of District kaligondang.

Ready Program and Make-Up Of Quality Prasarana, Medium And Common public Service System,

- Development of Public Health Service Building
- Building Extension On Duty Education
- Rehabilitate The Office of UPTD Wil. II Bukateja
- Rehabilitate The Office of UPTD Wil. III Bobotsari
- Development of Building of UPTD Wil. IV Apex
- Rehabilitate The House On Duty Regent Proxy
- Repair of Damage of bank of komplek SDN 2 Gunungwuled
- Development of Building DISPERTANHUT
- Development of Verandah of ancient palace and office of Sub-District of Office Karangsentul
- Rehabilitate the House On duty and Verandah Of Ancient Palace of District Kejobong
- Rehabilitate The House On Duty District Bobotsari
- Development of Warehouse of UPTD Wil. IV Apex
- Rehabilitate The House On Duty Apex District
- Renovate The Auditorium DPUK
- Rehabilitate The Office of District Kemangkon
- Rehabilitate The Building of PKK of District Kalimanah
- Installation of Partisi Public Health Service
- Development of Warehouse DPU
- Development of Laboratory DPU
- Development of Building DPKKD
- Development of Equipment of Building of DKK and Dispertanhut
- Development of Continuation of Office of Sub-District Karangsentul
- Development of Building BKD
- Compilation of DED of Development of Building KORPRI
- Compilation of DED of development of Building DPRD
- Rehabilitate The Building of BPL LKMD of District kalimanah.

Fundamental Duty of Cipta Karya

A. the Target Of Development of Facilities And Basic Facilities of Bidang Cipta Karya
- Improving the quality of society life the make-up of the quality of environmental facilities
and basic facilities settlement urban area and rural
- Setling planology systems the settlement, exploiting and area management
- Providing and looking after prasarana and service systems medium
B. Target of Development of Facilities And Basic Facilities of Bidang Cipta Karya Regional
planology Development Creation compatible and ideal Sub-Province
- The available of elementary facilities and basic facilities healthy settlement and facilities and
basic facilities of physical of education service, health and also adequate public commerce
- Creation condition of healthy settlement environment
- The looking after of condition and function of prasarana physical which woke up.

SIPAS (Clean Water Program)

Clean water represent the elementary requirement human life. For the area of which difficulty get the Governmental clean water strive ready clean water ready systems clean water modestly that is with searching wellspring, developing arrester basin irrigate the, receptacle and distribution pipe. For the wellspring of laid at lower, before distributed have to be pumped to receptacle above tower
Governmental Efficacy in fulfilling clean amount of water required very influenced by consumer society irrigate the itself. Society have to unionize the clean water consumer society to the ready conservancy prasarana the clean water. Governmental Thereby powered at the same time society to fulfill elementary requirement its life
Besides facing the problem of difficulty get the clean water dry season, the rains irrigate quickly emit a stream of above land;ground surface so that have potency cause the floods, whereas hard dry season get the water. For that require to be strived to pervasive rainwater as many as possible into land;ground. That thing to take care of the water resilience. Governmental urge to society to make the diffusion well below house roof-gutter
As sample to society, Governmental the of stimulan of development of diffusion well which this year have been executed District Kaligondang with the of stimulan Rp. 200.000,- to each development of diffusion well


To the number of house shack up with the insanitation generate the concern. Condition of the house besides is not balmy occupied also result the indisposed dweller because damp and less draught. Besides from cultural facet and courtesy also less for no partition off the room limiting parent activity from children
Sub-Province Purbalingga non rich sub-province so that Government can defray the house repair remain all impecunious resident exist in Purbalingga. More than anything else impecunious jumah resident many and spread over all countryside/ sub-district Region Purbalingga] whereas charges of development activity which must be accounted on a big Government also. But Government remain to commit to secure and prosperous impecunious society by fulfilling one of the its base requirement that is competent residence. for that needed breakthrough ably existing defrayal less competent impecunious family house can be restored. Government try powered society house repair remain the impecunious resident can be] by society self
The Program of Stimulan of Impecunious Family House Restoration ( Governmental PSPR-GAKIN) give the stimulan to society to the house repair remain to impecunious family around its residence
Society form the Executor Team ( Timlak) in each countryside in all Region of Sub-Province Purbalingga. the Executor Team muster the self-supporting fund from society as well as energy to execute the mutual assistance of house repair remain to impecunious family around its residence
summed uply fund stimulan from Government which not how, society can develop self fund for the restoration of impecunious family house. Thereby society can be powered theirs self, developing independence and its creativity. This activity also entangle the consultant pendamping for the construction of
Program PSPR_GAKIN have been executed since Year 2003. Until this 2006 program Year have made a success of the restoration to 7.328 house improper dwell the. Budget [released] from APBD of Sub-Province Purbalingga reach the Rp. 18.872.000.000,- while Year 2007 targeted a impecunious family house restoration counted 1.195 house with the fund allocation equal to Rp. 2.821.160.000,

Perkembangan Purbalingga

Recently fast growth Purbalingga enough. Facility newly in the form of physical plant many popping out. In the effort creating employment, Governmental even also cope to create the interesting climate to all investor. Hence woke up a infrastructure supporting economic activity
On the other hand activity that goes on at one particular room can generate the negative and also positive impact to other activity and or itself room. Thereby room have the compatibility potency between various activity, but also risk ketidakterpaduan one activity with the other activity
Pursuant to nature of room owning potency and limitation, hence needed settlement room exploiting earn optimal. In that room exploiting meaning can add the economic value but remain to bother the environmental continuity. Planology represent the room allocation as according to requirement every activity. Wide and location adapted for a activity placed
Planology in Purbalingga try to fulfill all importance in Purbalingga. As for important element activity exist in Purbalingga cover the : Housing, Public Facility, Commerce, Service, Industrial, White colars and Green Air-Gap
Growth is amount of resident result the increasing of requirement of residence, environmental facility and service the. Farm usage for the setlement of even also each;every moment increase. And so do environmental facility development, commerce place and white colars. With the existence of farm growth woke up hence decrease the farm for the air-gap of green. Needed a effort to control the farm usage Service activity, commerce and service spread over in all district Region Purbalingga. To center the governance located in Town Purbalingga. While District Governance there are Capital of District. For the service of elementary education SD / mi spread over each;every countryside / sub-district. service of Health Puskesmas there are all District. To be more draw near to access the health service society, hence each;every countryside / sub-district woke up a Center

By paying attention importance of food resilience striving continuity of agriculture farm, Governmental remain to try to draw the investor with the room allocation to industrial less fertile farm for the agriculture of that is in region Kemangkon
As for for the operation of activity execution as according to planology, hence each;every development both for executed by society and also Government have to have the Permission Found the Building or IMB obtained the Office of Service of Licensing and Invesment of Sub-Province Purbalingga.

Tugas Bidang Cipta Karya

Bidang Cipta Karya have the fundamental duty execute the preparation of policy formulation, co-ordinate the, construction and operation, technical tuition, observation, stipulating plan the settlement of healthy technical plan and room, management of physical plant of Local Government and House On duty

Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Tahun Anggaran 2007

In The Year Budget 2007 Area Binamarga get the fund allocation equal to Rp 28.566.139.200 ( Twenty eight billion five hundreds six puluh six million one hundred three puluh nine thousands two hundreds rupiah). The budget used for the fund of 30 activity. activity – the activity to support the make-up of economics and transportation of Sub-Province Purbalingga.

Activity of Budget Year 2007 the divided to become 3 category that is:

1. Activity of Baru/Murni of Budget Year 2007
a. Routine Conservancy Walke and Bridge with volume :
• Walke as long as = 100 km
• Bridge counted = 40
b. Periodic Conservancy Walke with the volume= 10,500 km / 3 activity Package
c. Make-Up of Road;Street with the volume= 50,070 km / 20 activity Package
d. Bridge Development ( 3 x 5,00 ) m ( 35 x 1,75 ) m ( 30 x 4,00 ) m and ( 11 x 4,60 ) m = 4
e. Bridge Enlargement ( 5 x 4,00 ) m
2. Continuation activity / slide of Budget Year 2007
a. Periodic Conservancy Walke the pasca PHO [of] counted = 17 activity Package / joint streets
b. Make-Up of Road;Street of pasca PHO [of] counted = 35 activity Package / joint streets
c. Development of Bridge of pasca PHO [of] counted = 1
d. Enlargement of Bridge of pasca PHO [of] counted = 2
3. Activity of Penanggulangan of damage of pasca natural disaster:
a. Slide Repair Walke counted = 1 activity Package / 1 joint streets

From three activity category hence in the year 2007 can be finished as long as 60,77 kilometre joint streets executed with the Conservancy Activity / make-up of Street. Internode as long as 60,77 kilometre push the condition of joint streets by the end of Year 2007 becoming to have condition “ GOOD”. while for the activity of Development / Bridge enlargement woke up 5 bridge totally bridge length as long as 84,00 metre. Like previous year ( Budget Year 2006) in the year Budget 2007 also prioritize the activity location which not yet been touched a handling walke.

Tugas Bidang Bina Marga

Area Binamarga represent one of the area in On Duty Public Work of Sub-Province Purbalingga. Fundamental Duty and Function ( Tupoksi) of Area Binamarga relied on Perda Number 22 Year 2005. Pursuant to the perda hence Area Binamarga have the duty in realizing the following tupoksi:

1. Mission.

Realizing the condition of facilities and basic facilities walke the / settled bridge and function maximal serve the transportation requirement ( second mission DPUK )

2. Target.

The increasing of and looking after of condition of physical and functiona period to building service walke the / settled bridge.

Relate to the the duties hence Area Binamarga have the program in the form of Development Program, Make-Up of, Rehabilitating Road;Street and Sub-Province Bridge. The Program formulated in the form of activity which is adapted for location of each this Program consisted of the Conservancy activity Walke, Make-Up Of Road;Street, Development of Routine Conservancy and Bridge Walke and Sub-Province Bridge. Besides mentioned of Area Binamarga still has the duty to finish the previous year activity or referred also as slide activity. Handling sequence between activity started with lightest routine conservancy activity, periodic conservancy and make-up of road;street.

Pursuant To Decree ( SK) Number 77 year 1991 about Handling Procedure Walke the Sub-Province hence joint streets Sub-Province handled by lightest that is Routine Conservancy Activity Walke and Bridge. Routine Conservancy represent the activity coping to maintain the road;street function started from year second from construction work. Considering in character hence routine conservancy activity walke the and bridge. Conducted to handle the light damage to prevent the the damage become bigger. This matter require to be conducted to remember every big damage require the fund larger ones also. Routine Conservancy Activity must be done per annum up to service function walke assumed to finish as according to Age Plan the Road;Street ( 5-10 year after construction work). Mount the damage asphalt pavement handled with the Routine Conservancy around 0 – 20 % from wide joint streets surface.

If a period of/to helper have according to age plan hence road;street damage will be handled with the Periodic Conservancy activity. This Activity can be conductedif road;street damage cannot be handled with the routine conservancy activity. While activity is Make-Up of Road;Street activity to boost up the condition street become the joint streets which have better condition like land street become the gravel and walke the gravel become the road;street pave. Make-Up of road;street earn also if damage walke to need to rehabilitate and needed a handling totally like veneering work repeat.

last program Supporter activity the Solving of previous year Activity ( slide). Slide activity aim to to finish the administration up to taking over from activity which have finished done in the year previously. Besides solving of activity also meant to ensure that the work executor really looking after result of work during 6 first month;moon pasca taking over. From all especial activity done by Area Binamarga is name of the each activity named as according to its work location.


Area Binamarga represent one of the area in On Duty Public Work of Sub-Province Purbalingga. Fundamental Duty and Function ( Tupoksi) of Area Binamarga relied on Perda Number 22 Year 2005. Pursuant to the perda hence Area Binamarga have the duty in realizing the following tupoksi:

1. Mission.

Realizing the condition of facilities and basic facilities walke the / settled bridge and function maximal serve the transportation requirement ( second mission DPUK )

2. Target.

The increasing of and looking after of condition of physical and functiona period to building service walke the / settled bridge.

Relate to the the duties hence Area Binamarga have the program in the form of Development Program, Make-Up of, Rehabilitating Road;Street and Sub-Province Bridge. The Program formulated in the form of activity which is adapted for location of each this Program consisted of the Conservancy activity Walke, Make-Up Of Road;Street, Development of Routine Conservancy and Bridge Walke and Sub-Province Bridge. Besides mentioned of Area Binamarga still has the duty to finish the previous year activity or referred also as slide activity. Handling sequence between activity started with lightest routine conservancy activity, periodic conservancy and make-up of road;street.

Pursuant To Decree ( SK) Number 77 year 1991 about Handling Procedure Walke the Sub-Province hence joint streets Sub-Province handled by lightest that is Routine Conservancy Activity Walke and Bridge. Routine Conservancy represent the activity coping to maintain the road;street function started from year second from construction work. Considering in character hence routine conservancy activity walke the and bridge. Conducted to handle the light damage to prevent the the damage become bigger. This matter require to be conducted to remember every big damage require the fund larger ones also. Routine Conservancy Activity must be done per annum up to service function walke assumed to finish as according to Age Plan the Road;Street ( 5-10 year after construction work). Mount the damage asphalt pavement handled with the Routine Conservancy around 0 – 20 % from wide joint streets surface.

If a period of/to helper have according to age plan hence road;street damage will be handled with the Periodic Conservancy activity. This Activity can be conductedif road;street damage cannot be handled with the routine conservancy activity. While activity is Make-Up of Road;Street activity to boost up the condition street become the joint streets which have better condition like land street become the gravel and walke the gravel become the road;street pave. Make-Up of road;street earn also if damage walke to need to rehabilitate and needed a handling totally like veneering work repeat.

last program Supporter activity the Solving of previous year Activity ( slide). Slide activity aim to to finish the administration up to taking over from activity which have finished done in the year previously. Besides solving of activity also meant to ensure that the work executor really looking after result of work during 6 first month;moon pasca taking over. From all especial activity done by Area Binamarga is name of the each activity named as according to its work location.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Handling of Pasca Natural Disaster

In order to make-up of service to farmer society for the amount of water required of irrigation, and anticipate the dryness and also penaggulangan landslide [of] [at] bank - river bank [is] so that happened [by] the missing agriculture farm and menace the resident settlement Effect of [the] mentioned [of] above hence Government of Sub-Province Purbalingga [pass/through] On Duty Public Work of Irrigating Area cope for the accomplishment of amount of water required [of] irrigation normally that is 1,2 litre / second / Ha
Executing security of river bank which gristle and ex- slide [of] effect of floods
On the chance of can support the governmental program for the accomplishment of food resilience especially paddy

Prasarana of Building of irrigation physical [in] Sub-Province Purbalingga consisted of the
a. Irrigation Channel + 223 km
b. Especial Building : 101 fruit
c. Regulator Building : 554 fruit
d. Complement Building : 1.242 fruit
e. Areal Oncoran : 20.871 Ha
Most of existing prasarana in a condition concern because to the number of damage
Sub-Province Purbalingga passed by [by] 3 ( tiga) [of] great river which pass by quickly the Sub-Province
that is a. River Appeal The b. River Klawing c. Bean River
Condition of river every year experience of the change of[is condition of goodness groove and also
its river base effect of floods

Condition of finance of APBD of Sub-Province Purbalingga to handle
rehabilitate the irrigation of Peacemaker of river bank very limited and
very small if/when seen from requirement which is [in] needing
regional requirement Prasarana and [common/ public] service which must [in]
supporting ready [of] its fund by Government of Sub-Province Purbalingga [of] each;every
its year progressively expand/ increasing its amount so that
requiring big enough expense also
Technical problems
Geographical Condition [of] Sub-Province of Purbalingga daerahya [in] south shares
lowland and northside mountain so that very gristle
to landslide and floods
Condition of building of prasarana irrigation [in] Sub-Province Purbalingga [of] besides
a lot destroy, also not yet technical, still modestly and some of again

Galeri Pembangunan Infrastruktur

Completing Physical of Market Segamas, Pemkab of Allocation Rp 2,4 Milliard.

Pemkab Purbalingga return the allocation of budget Rp 2,4 milliard for the completion of Trilateral market physical building [of] Gold ( Segamas). that Budget Allocation [is] proposed [by] paa ABPD Change 2009. Kabag of Development of Setda Purbalingga, Drs Suroto, M.Si say that thing, Friday ( 17 / 7
“ That fund [is] required for the levying of electrics generator [of] along with installation and its house. And also develop;build the awning ( atap) for the plasa of used [by] merchant lesehan, development of pipe PDAM, and develop;build the fence BRC for the garden of in market in order not to be used to trade,” say the Suroto
Electrics Generator [of] along with network and its room [is] felt to insist on because that market [is] berencana will be opened [at] early morning till night. Because pasokan electrics from PLN cannot be pledged
“ In this time kan still crisis of listrik.Supaya aktifitas transaction [in] market Segamas [do] not disturb the, pemkab will provide the electrics generator,” say the Suroto
that additional Fund Allocation [is] also used to develop;build the network of pipe PDAM. In this time, merchant [in] market Segamas often complain because there is no [his/its] [is] pasokan irrigate from PDAM
“ Pemkab also berencana develop;build the awning for the plasa of used [by] merchant lesehan,” he said
Told [by] Suroto, letika still trade [in] old market, merchant lesehan (it) is true heat habit. But [party/ side] [of] pemkab feel [do] not have the heart to let the them return the panas-panasan in place [is] new
Than budget of that Rp 2,4 milliard also, will be woke up [by] fence BRC for the melindungai of garden residing in in market complex. hedgedly, merchant [do] not enter the garden and trade on the ground
Market Segamas woke up with the allocation of budget Rp 29 milliard from APBD 2009. Passing process auction, that budget decrease till remain the Rp 21 milliard. Till construction finish the March 2009 then, not yet included the generator levying, competent pipe PDAM network, awning for the plasa of and fence the garden
According to Suroto, that idea (it) is true emerge after physical building finish. Various insuffiency seen, like merchant lesehan which heat, lack of natural illumination effect of existence of kiosk in kiosk, and network of pipe PDAM which is not adequate
“ In fact requirement there [is] still be other. Like fan. Because even market roof have been made high, in the reality still felt [by] heat [of] because sirkulasi less good. From other side the fence circle the market and ossification of areal loading and unloading. But that not yet been budgeted [by] because fund limitation,” say Suroto.

Eight Pump Conscripted.

On Duty Public Work Sub-Province ( DPUK) Purbalingga conscript eight water pump unit
That pumps [is] loaned to countryside which its rice field farm [is] difficulty irrigate the.
Kabid of Irrigating of DPUK Purbalingga, Adi Saptono explain, there are some countryside borrowed [by] the machine pump from pemkab. Expected [by] [all] farmer can enjoy result of harvest
That countryside for example residing in region Kemangkon, Wirasana, and other. In [is] its use delivered to countryside government. [party/ side] [of] Countryside arranging [it] to be placed [at] area assumed [by] very requiring. Special even [in] Countryside Slinga, two of machine unit pump have been loaned and in this time have operated
'' [Both/ second] the pump attached [at] intake Barricade the Slinga. Its Section during the time farmer [in] difficult region Kaligondang obtain;get the pasokan irrigate the the barrage cause [do] not emit a stream of the,'' word he/she, yesterday
Even [in] Countryside Slinga, governmental to every year give the the pump machine loan. While its operating expenses, [is] burdened to farmer. DPUK [of] only limited to giving loan
[At] this dry season, the pump machine have been attached [by] since last week and its plan till during 40 day forwards.

Renovate To Barricade the Slinga Rp 4 M for the Iiberation of farm.

Utilize the farm Iiberation hit [by] a project renovate to Barricade the Slinga yanga [of] [in] District Kaligondang, Governmental [of] Sub-Province Purbalingga provide the fund [of] equal to Rp 4 milliard. While for the development of barricade and kontruksi will go down the fund center for the price of Rp 19,8 milliard.
Kabid Irrigating On Duty Public Work ( DPU) Purbalingga Adi Saptono, Friday ( 24 / 7), telling, ireview desain in this time [is] being improve;repaired [in] storey;level center the. end of June of Review desain assumed to [by] finish. And central government have prepared the fund Rp 4 milliard for the Iiberation of farm. Including fund Rp 19,8 milliard to barricade and kontruksi.
" But that way there [is] two letter which need immediately to equip to the fund melt, namely SK Regent [of] about Stipulating of Location of Land;Ground and SK Regent [of] about Committee of Land;Ground Iiberation," he said.
If/When two the SK there [are], hence fund center for the Iiberation of farm immediately melt, including for the construction of. and Pembangunanya will be [done/conducted] in budget multiyears.
Explained, farm to be freed to reach 6 hectare and current of channel supply will the Prohibition order I and Prohibition order II. If/When [both/ second] the channel have been emited a stream of [by] the water, hence luasan farm emited a stream of to [by] Barricade the Slinga reach 10.000 hectare.
Review DED
[For a] while Kabid of Regional and Prasarana Physical [of] Body of Planning of Area Development ( Bappeda) Purbalingga Siswanto say the, repair Barricade the Slinga eat the big enough fund and if using fund steming from APBD fall short. So that pemkab wish the expense of that barrage repair [is] direct fund [of] central government.
" Till in this time preparation phase which underway [is] workmanship of review Detail Engeneering Design ( DED). Special [of] this workmanship review DED [is] estimated to require the time [of] [about/around] six-month. Expected [by] [of] month;moon of ready made October review DED," he/she said.
By operating [it] Barricade the the Slinga at least six countryside masingmasing, Countryside Slinga, Kaligondang, Penaruban, Brecek, Kembaran Wetan and Kalikajar will get the pasokan irrigate especially [at] dry season.

Pemkab will remove the idol knalpot.

PURBALINGGA - Governmental [of] Sub-Province ( Pemkab) Purbalingga berencana remove the idol knalpot [of] exist in three Road;Street [IN] Panjaitan and Walke the AW Soemarmo, to crossroad of Sirongge of sub-district of Kembaran Kulon, [in] upstate Walke The AW Soemarmo. That Idol [is] moved [by] citizen to from outside area entering town Purbalingga from north direction know the existence of industrial sentra [of] knalpot [in] Purbalingga.
" Idol Evacuation in form of men which [is] making that knalpot [is] felt to insist on. Since idol stand up in the year 2005 then, traffic current [in] three Road;Street [IN] Panjaitan and Walke the AW Soemarmo become the semrawut.
Dance the idol pillar in form of too wide trilateral complicate the vehicle especially truck which will turn [in] three that," Regional word Kasubid Prasarana [of] Body of Planning of Area Development, Hadi Iswanto to journalist, Thursday ( 7 / 5).

Tugu perjuangan
Besides pemkab also immediately develop;build the new struggle monument, [in] Road;Street of General Soedirman, precise [in front/ahead] of Station Command The Military Canton ( Kodim) 0702 Sub-District of Bancar Purbalingga.
Monument to become the land mark ( area symbol) new [of] Purbalingga replace the old monument which have been unloaded [by] a some years ago. That monument [is] designed [by] as high as 17 metre, and diameter one metre. With the height reach 17 metre. That monument stand up above radian floor berbetuk with the perimeter 19,5 structured metre in three ambalan. Part of monument floor [is] also designed in such a manner [so that/ to be] can be exploited for the show of music.
[At] monument underside, in form of parallelogram and [in] each;every its area there are relief depicting story- military struggle story and people of Purbalingga melawan of Dutch colonization. Medium [in] monument top [of] there are the raging [of] fire from rust colored copper materials symbolising the spirit [of] struggle of citizen Purbalingga which have never extinguished

Thursday, August 6, 2009

PNPM Mandiri in Purbalingga

Purbalingga - Fund of Program of Self-Supporting Society Enableness National ( PNPM) of Sub-Province of Purbalingga year 2009 reaching Rp 43,45 milliard. Sum up that consisted of [by] the Self-Supporting PNPM [is] Countryside Rp 36,9 milliard to 15 Self-Supporting and PNPM district [of] Urban [of] equal to Rp 6,55 milliard to 3 district

[The] mentioned told [by] Proxy of Regent of Purbalingga Drs H Heru Sudjatmoko M [of] The in Self-Supporting workshop PNPM event [of] Urban of Sub-Province of Purbalingga year 2009 [in] Verandah of ancient palace Cahyana, Wednesday ( 10 / 6) evening. Self-Supporting PNPM [is] and also countryside that big enough urban expected can overcome the poorness problems [in] Sub-Province Purbalingga.

Heru tell the, the fund penanggulangan poorness still added with the ready program [of] clean water [of] sanitasi society ( tired pamsimas) [of] Rp 2,8 milliard growing adjacent [of] APBD [of] equal to Rp 412,5 million. " If totalized, this fund penanggulangan poorness reach the Rp 46,75 milliard. Besides there [is] also inwrought program penanggulangan poorness ( tired Paket) [of] Rp 3 milliard," word Heru.

Even fund of Package of that Rp 3 Milliard have been provided [by] a central government, Sub-Province Purbalingga not yet earned to access [it] because not yet provided the adjacent fund. " Hopefully daam APBD change 2009, that adjacent fund there [are]," word Wabup.
Wabup enhance the, the fund PNPM of vital importance in overcoming poorness problem [in] Purbalingga which in this time still reach 36 [gratuity/ %]. Wabup explain, 20.638 household [in] Purbalingga still pertained [by] very impecunious. Counted 35.122 household pertained impecunious and 47.515 household pertained impecunious almost.

Chief of Enableness of Society of Sub-Province Purbalingga, R of Imam of Wachyudi SH M.Si tell the, the workshop performed to submit the information nowadays and improve the consolidation [of] between various [party/ side] which is related to execution PNPM.
Meanwhile, Regional Management Consultant 13 Central Java, Imam Baskoro tell the, that big enough fund PNPM [is] attitude have to wisely by entire/all related/relevant element. It is possible that, that big fund exactly will generate the accident, non giving award. " [In] other area, happened [by] the [of] high jam even grow the suspicion and conflict in the fund management," word of Imam baskoro.

Imam urge the, Local Government, society and also group care should be able to create the that partisipative development process in line with inwrought penanggulangan poorness. " If component which there [is] still not yet been entangled, come on in this year we are optimal," pinta Imam. (Sumber


In Rt.08 Rw 03 Countryside cilapar,Banyumas , Middle Java there [is] a bridge which almost roboh.tiang prop which merely [is] made the than bamboo have [at] that lapuk.sehingga bridge situation [is] very gristle and mengewatirkan.padahal bridge representing band penetrate to countryside Kaligondang
Representing very alternative band [of] penting.disamping penetrate to countryside Kaligondang also can penetrate to Countryside Brecek
in fact per annum this bridge [is] always made newly . but because materials used merely from bar of that tree bambu.maka bridge cannot stay the lama.belum [of] if season banjir.jembatan that made simply [is] easily sweeped [by] this current banjir.dan situation every year [is] surely happened. [All] citizen tire of for the bergotong of royong to make the jembatan.namun [of] because its[his] important [is] that band hence will do not want to have to develop;build that bridge although are there [his/its] important become can to walke . although nyebrangnya at the same time holding onto the important is to nyebrang gitu deh .

really a[n view which Middle memprihatinkan.sementara [is] building which always governmental digembor gemborkan . in the middle of relief fund [of] government which its amount hundreds of juta.yang he/she said for the development of jalan,untuk of development jembatan.ternyata hitherto ndak [of] there [is] bukti.jembatan diRt 08 there is no change of tetep still its memperihatinkan.ini citizen [is] stupid or its government [is] which denied the its janji.ataukah money merely promise the jani [of] or entering kocek [of] [all] penggila duit.tolong [of] Mr. father pejabat,pegawai,atau package the Regent [of] Mr. Lurah.Tolong wake up the bridge representing band of[is necessary for all this warga.karena band also as band penetrate to town Purbalingga. Become this bridge [is] correct correct of vital importance
To masarakat specially Countryside of Cilapar,Desa penolih,Dan of countryside of countryside of sekitarnya.semua citizen surely will greet the goodness an offer for peace [all] officer pemerintah..masarakat [do] not wish only promise of janji,tapi evidence which nyata.yang kongkrit.masarakat ndak will be lied [by] the terus.ndak love will promise the janjiterus.
[All] good officer of slalu of attitude of sigh masarakat. This [is] blognya of child cilapar wishing progress to DESANYA.JIKA [of] there [is] my mistake apologize which is equal to level of

Brief Description of Drinking Water Central Java.



clean water Medium development [is] in Indonesia [done/conducted] [by] since year era 80 an, good [of] metropolitan town scale, metropolis, town [is] and small town ( rural IKK) storey;level And. Almost entire/all clean water medium [of] urban which [is] [is] woke up [by] to the central government initiative, passing Public Work Department, Directorate General The Masterpiece Creature, while some of small represent the ommission of Epoch of Dutch and Health Department ( to [be] rural).
But since year 1990 an of policy [of] central government oblige in clean water management National [of] this urban have to be delivered to Local Government Mount the II ( that moment) with forming PDAM Kab / town, previous have embryo [to] from BPAM ( Body of Drinking Water Organizer) below/under construction Ditjen Create The Masterpiece, Departmental [of] Public Work. Up to year 1996 PDAM still obtain;get the aid subsidize from Central Government [pass/through] the Ditjen Create The Masterpiece, Departmental [of] Public Work in the form of :
1.Pengadaan Chemicals
2.Bantuan operating expenses and conservancy
3.Subsidi of development and its infrastructure development.
As for expense of the development and development come from Fund : Pure APBN, Overseas Loan ( by Center), SLA ( Sub of Loan Agreement) and RDA ( Regional Development Account).
[At] monetary crisis era [of] year 1998 till in this time, [all] organizer ( PDAM) [shall] no longger get the the expense subsidy. [Is] so that happened [by] a disaster befalling almost entire/all PDAM in Indonesia the including Central Java Province. Midst of management Indulgence at the (time) of subsidy and made also " dairy cattle" to more institution to the, hence PDAM in this time have started to gnaw the expense of capital to take care of the continuity of its life. And thereby SLA and RDA cannot be moved over by PDAM, where totalizeing loan which not yet earned moved over for the Province of Central Java [is] equal to + Rp. 600 Billion.

clean water Service coverage [of] urban [pass/through] the pipe in national [is] equal to ± 39 %, while to Central Java Province ( 30, 145 million [soul/ head]) clean water service [in] urban newly reach + 35,4 %. Problem faced [by] [all] clean water organizer [of] urban in general [pass/through] the pipe [is] the lack of governmental attention [of] Kab / town to its[his] important [is] levying and clean water service to society which more and more the day more and more to growing difficult. clean water Difficulty marking to society [is]

- The hoisterous of sale [of] drinking water refill, The hoisterous of sale of drinking water tidiness, More and more to the number of clean water sale circle ( wear the cart - Drilling [of] ground water by housing and industrial
So that in society national buy the clean water very costly and not yet finished the problem of them. [common/ public] Picture outline [of] Province [of] Central Java administratively and woke up Clean Water Medium shall be as follows

N o
Kondisi Pelayanan
Wilayah Administratif




Jumlah Penduduk (2000)
Sistem AB terbangun

Kecamatan yang belum
Mempunyai SAB


Populasi Service Area
Debit Terpasang
Rata2 Tingkat Pelayanan
Penduduk Terlayani
Rata2 Kehilangan Air
30 -50,0
Pelayanan :

- SR


- MT
Estimasi Biaya


Kurs 1 US $ = Rp. 9.400


Permasalahan umum sistem pelayanan air bersih perkotaan (PDAM) di Propinsi Jawa Tengah secara garis besar terbagi atas :

- Permasalahahn Non Teknis
- Permasalahan Teknis

Permasalahan Non Teknis Pengelolaan Air Bersih Perkotaan terdiri atas :

1.Sumber Daya Manusia yang rendah. Hal ini diakibatkan karena lebih dari 60 % tenaga penunjang Instansi Teknis ini terdiri dari Tenaga Non Teknis yang latar belakang pendidikannya tidak sesuai. Sedangkan 40 % Tenaga Teknis yang ada tidak siap pakai dan belum terdidik dibidangnya.
2.Manajemen Tidak Profesional, efisiensi rendah serta kinerja yang kurang efektif
3.Masih besarnya “Informal Insentive” dalam tubuh para pengelola, walaupun sulit pembuktiannya
4.Tarif rata-rata masih rendah, dan tidak ada subsidi dari pemerintah Kab/Kota.
5.Makin mahalnya biaya investasi untuk pengembangan, pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan
6.Pinjaman (Hutang) yang cukup besar dan tidak dapat diangsur oleh PDAM.
7.Masih banyaknya “Beban” dari institusi yang lebih atas yang memberatkan manejemen PDAM
8.Kemandirian institusi pengelola (PDAM) tidak ada, sangat bergantung pada institusi yang lebih atas.
9.Tidak ada sanksi bagi PDAM yang tidak mengembalikan pinjaman (Hutang).
10.Lembaga penilai bagi pengelola (PDAM) tidak independen
11.Tidak adanya jaminan dan panduan bagi investasi swasta untuk dengan mudah dan terjamin untuk melakukan investasi jangka menengah dalam bidang air bersih
12.Belum ada kebijakan yang jelas secara Nasional dalam dalam pengembangan air bersih perkotaan.

Sedangkan permasalahan Teknis Pengelolaan Air Bersih Perkotaan terdiri atas :

1. Air Baku
Merupakan masalah utama bagi sebagaian besar sarana air bersih perkotaan di Jawa Tengah, terutama pada musim kemarau Air baku yang terdiri atas

-Mata Air : pada umumnya mengalami penurunan 30-40 % dari kapasitas awal. Hal ini disinyalir akibat perubahan pemanfaatan lahan pada daerah resapan air dan penebangan hutan/pohon.
-Air Tanah Dalam (Sumur Dalam) juga mengalami penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas, beberapa system terpaksa harus menghentikan operasinya oleh karena kualitas airnya sudah tidak layak.
-Air Permukaan (Sungai, Danau) juga mengalami penurunan kualitas dan kuantitas, serta biaya pengambilan sumber air baku alternative sangat mahal karena jauh. Pada musoim kemarau banyak yang kering.

2. Unit Produksi

- Kapasitas menurun
- Peralatan sudah mulai rusak
- Peralatan mesin pompa, genset sudah mulai rusak/tua dan belum ada peremajaan

3. Jaringan Transmisi dan Distribusi

- Kemampuan pengaliran menurun (sudah tua)
- Kebocoran Teknis tinggi (rata-rata 30 %)
- Pengembangan jaringan oleh PDAM tidak sesuai prosedur teknis

4. Peralatan Pelayanan (SR, HU/ TA dan MT)

-SR : Sambungan Rumah Pelanggan banyak terjadi kerusakan baik sengaja maupun tidak sengaja yang dilakukan oleh warga masyarakat maupun “oknum” pengelola.
-HU : Kerusakan teknis akibat tidak pernah dipelihara dengan baik sehingga pipa inlet dan
kran rusak.


Kondisi darurat PDAM di kawatirkan akan bangkrut dalam waktu dekat, kembali mengundang perhatian Dep. Kimpraswil (dulu Dep. PU) sebagai “Ibu Kandung” yang pernah melahirkan PDAM secara rasional untuk memberikan penanganan “Resque” terhadap PDAM kab/kota yang kritis. Untuk itu dialokasikan dana APBN murni melalui Proyek (P2SP) guna membantu penyehatan PDAM yang kritis. Namun demikian penanganan ini tidak dapat diandalkan dan berlangsung lama, karena memang bersifat temporary.

Adapaun bantuan tersebut berupa :

1. Bantuan hibah peralatan mesin/pompa
2. Pengembangan perpipaan dan fasilitas produksi
3. Bantuan teknis penurun kebocoran
4. Bantuan Pelatihan dan Desiminas
5. Bantuan perbaikan manajemen


Untuk mengatasi permasalahan PDAM di Jawa Tengah dapat dilakukan dengan prioritas program sebagai berikut :

Perbaikan Non Teknis :

1.Peningkatan SDM dan Kinerja PDAM, perlu diadakan restrukturisasi dan proses seleksi kualifikasi ulang terhadap karyawan serta pelatihan khusus.
2.Pemilihan tenaga manger dengan “P & P.T” secara professional.
3.Pembersihan dan sangsi bagi manajemen yang KKN.
4.Penyesuaian Tarif Air
5.Penanggulangan dana pinjaman lunak untuk pengembangan infrastruktur a.b. perkotaan
6.Melakukan Pembayaran Angsuran Hutang dengan biaya talangan dari APBD
7.Membebaskan institusi pengelola (PDAM) dari “Tekanan” institusi yang lebih atas
8.Peraturan Daerah yang jelas perihal Kemandirian Pengelola PDAM
9.Penyusunan Peraturan Sanksi bagi Kinerja Manajemen Pengelola yang gagal mencapai target.
10.Pembentukan Kembali PMDU Propinsi yang Independen
Dengan mengaktifkan kembali Unit PMDU Propinsi, program penyehatan, evaluasi dan monitoring untuk masing-masing PDAM dapat berjalan dan terarah lebih baik . Baik dari aspek program, implementasi maupun pendanaannya.
11.Mengusulkan Peraturan Daerah Tentang Swastanisasi Pembangunan dan Pengelolaan Air Minum bagi Masyarakat.
12. Menggalang Kerjasama Kawasan Regional Bidang Air Bersih

Perbaikan Teknis :

1. Penataan Kembali Daerah Resapan Air
Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk mengatasi permasaahan air baku yang ada, sehingga penurunan kuantitas dan kualitas air baku dapat dieliminasi. Hal ini dapat menghemat biaya kontruksi yang lebih besar akibat pemindahan ataupun penambahan bangunan penangkap ataupun bangunan pengambilan baru untuk mengatasi penurunan air baku yang terjadi.

2. Unit Produksi
- Rehabilitasi Unit Produksi lama
- Pembangunan Unit Produksi baru
- Penggantian peralatan mesin

3. Jaringan Transmisi dan Distribusi
- Rehabilitasi Jaringan Transmisi dan Distribusi lama
- Pembangunan dan perluasan pipa distribusi baru
- Melengkapi peralatan penunjang transmisi dan distribusi

4. Peralatan Pelayanan (SR, HU/ TA dan MT)
- Rehabilitasi peralatan SR, HU/TA lama.
- Penambahan baru SR, HU sesuai standard teknis

5. Penurunan Kebocoran
- Pendataan dan pemetaan kembali jaringan
- Pembentukan Zoning Sistem dan Blok Distribusi
- Pembentukan divisi Teknis Khusus Penurunan Kebocoran.


1. Perbaikan Institusi Pengelolaan (PDAM) menjadi institusi yang lebih mandiri dan berskala lebih besar (minimal skala propinsi) dan berotoritas khusus berbentuk (PT dll) untuk menghindari birolerasi yang berbelit-belit.
2.Memberikan peluang swasta dengan batasan-batasan tariff maksimal dan minimal tertentu untuk tetap menjaga aspek sosial dan kompetisi sehat antar pengelola.
3.Pemerintah segera membuat master plan air baku untuk air minum, sehingga pihak investor mudah untuk perhitungan investasinya.
4.Penyusunan Perda yang didahului dengan peratruan pemerintah pusat mengenai hal-hal menyangkut aspek teknis dan non teknis swastanisasi air bersih.


1.Program pelestarian sumber daya air baku yaitu dengan penghutanan kembali daerah resapan dan tagkapan air, penghentian pembukaan lahan pertanian di daerah resapan dan tangkapan air.
2.Pengaliran sumber air baku dari air tanah dalam menjadi air permukaan atau mata air.
3.Pungutan retribusi makal atau penutupan sumur-sumur penduduk dan sumur-sumur dalam industri.
4.Membuka peluang swastanisasi air bersih bagi satu daerah pelayanan dengan lebih dari satu pengelola, hal ini menghindari monopoli pengelolaan air bersih.
5. Merubah kwalitas pelayanan dari :
6.Air bersih menjadi air minum
7.Giliran menjadi 24 jam
8.Tekanan lemah menjadi tekanan cukup.


N o
Kondisi Pelayanan
Tahun 2003
Sasaran Pelayan an MDG 2015
Populasi Service Area
Debit Terpasang
Rata2 Tingkat Pelayanan
Penduduk Terlayani
Rata2 Kehilangan Air
30 -50,0
Pelayanan :

- SR


- MT
Estimasi Biaya

3.419 Triliun

Kurs 1 US $ = Rp. 9.400

(Kab. Boyolali, Batang, Kendal, Rembang, Wonogiri, Banyumas, Purbalingga, Pemalang dan Kota Semarang)

N o
Kondisi Pelayanan
Tahun 2003
Sasaran Pelayan an MDG 2015
Populasi Service Area
Debit Terpasang
Rata2 Tingkat Pelayanan
Penduduk Terlayani
Rata2 Kehilangan Air
30 -50,0
Pelayanan :

- SR


- MT
Estimasi Biaya

1.805 Triliun

Kurs 1 US $ = Rp. 9.400

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